Generation One Academy

Generation One Academy is a non-profit, Christian-based center for early childhood in Houston’s historic Third Ward.

If you are interested in the Academy for your student, please fill out the Interest Form below.

Interest Form

Empowering Students

The Academy empowers its students by cultivating skills to conquer obstacles that hinder the overall success of low-income children and families in our community. We do this through evidence-based practices that place an emphasis on social-emotional-learning and developing a growth mindset. This approach supports the building of lasting, trust-based relationships with our students and their families.

Prior to 2020, more than 60% of Houston-area kindergartners began school academically behind and not reading ready, not having mastered letter, number, and color identification. This figure disproportionately reflects students in low-income neighborhoods and sets students on different learning tracks at the very beginning. Generation One Academy works to change that with a model that helps prepare young minds socially and academically.

Core Curriculum

Social Emotional Learning

English & Language Arts


Creative Arts

PE and Health

Bible Lessons

Every student’s progress is assessed regularly to accurately track growth and areas of need.

A multi-modal teaching that stimulates every learner and emphasizes learning-through-play. We use intentional, sensory play to meet developmental needs. We also provide physical education and creative expression to promote holistic growth. Healthy, brain-conscious breakfast, lunch, and snacks are provided daily.

Peace. Faith. Courage.

Students work toward specific outcomes to demonstrate social-emotional, developmental, and academic readiness for the next step.

Peace (2-3 Year Olds)

Eat with a spoon and fork and drink from a cup with some assistance

Make personal food choices among several healthy options (“want apple”)

Recognize and name their own emotions

Show pride in own accomplishments by smiling, clapping, cheering,
or saying, “I did it!”

Say first and last name when asked

Choose areas to play in or activities they prefer

Recover from emotional outbursts (tantrums, biting, or hitting) in a few minutes with adult support

Listen to and begin to follow rules

Play with toys with other children or include others in pretend play

Follow two-step requests

Use three to four-word sentences with a noun and a verb

Match colors and shapes and sort toys or objects that are alike

Count objects while pointing to each one and saying the number

Faith (3-4 Year Olds)

Kick, throw, and catch a large ball with accuracy

Run more confidently and ride a tricycle

Hop or jump

Climb a small jungle gym

Show interest and comfort in playing with and meeting new adults

Express more emotions through words, actions, gestures, and body language

Show more familiarity with personal space (sit on carpet square during Circle Time, keep hands to self)

Speak about family members and friends who are not present

Stick with difficult tasks without becoming overly frustrated

Follow schedules with few reminders, like cleaning up toys and
joining group activities

Follow three-step directions

Participate in short conversations with expected words and phrases

Use multiple words to describe and communicate feelings

Name basic colors and shapes

Negotiate turn-taking with other children

Plan what they are going to pretend to play, such as saying,
“Let’s play baking!”

Courage (4-5 Year Olds)

Takes care of and manages classroom materials

Child remains focused on engaging group activities for about 20 minutes
at a time

Identifies and names letters

Reads some environmental print

Uses writing and drawing tools

Engages in early scribble writing; makes organized marks (pictures/writing)

Interacts during reading experiences, book conversations, and text reflections

Writes name

Uses words to rote count from 1 to 30

Child counts 1-10 items, with one count per item

Child becomes aware of own body space, respects personal boundaries

Accepts adult solution to resolve a conflict

Makes simple patterns

Recognizes how many objects are in a set

Practices good habits of personal health and hygiene

Child engages in conversations in appropriate ways


For additional questions, please contact us.

How long is the school year?

The Academy will follow HISD schedule. The students will have similar or same major holidays off as public schools in the area. A summer session is available for students through an application process that offers a combination of enrichment, SEL, Bible study and the arts.

What does it cost to attend?

Generation One Academy is free to the children attending, but will require that a parent or guardian actively participates in events and school programs, and volunteers time or resources. This requirement is meant to help inspire the child as they see a significant adult in their family participate in their educational process.

What is Generation One Academy?

Generation One Academy is an early childhood education center, focused on social emotional learning in a trauma-informed, therapeutic environment.

What is the teacher-to-student ratio?

The teacher-to-student ratio is 1-to-7. The teaching team is comprised of one teacher and one teaching assistant.

Where is The Academy located?

Generation One Academy is located in the Third Ward in 

Riverside United Methodist Church - 4920 Cullen Blvd.  

Will The Academy be accredited?

Yes, Generation One Academy will seek accreditation once the size of the school meets the requirements.

Keep Exploring

Explore Program

Next Gen

Explore Program
